Our Mission
- to improve the knowledge in multiphase flow
- to strengthen surveillance of the international technology development in the area
- to identify industrially relevant research in multiphase flow
- to promote and support the use of the research results from universities in industrial applications
The board
- Olle Törnblom, Alfa Laval (Chairman) chairman@siamuf.se
- Andreas Mark, Fraunhofer Chalmers (Secretary) secretary@siamuf.se
- Srdjan Sasic, Chalmers (Treasurer) boardmember@siamuf.se
- Dragran Arlöv, Tetra Park (Board member) boardmember@siamuf.se
- Luis martin de Jjuan, Astra Zeneca (Board member) boardmember@siamuf.se
- Sofia Evysdotter, Valmet (Board member) boardmember@siamuf.se
- Kristian Angele, Vattenfal (Deputy)
- Xavi Corbella Cell, Comsol (Deputy)
Our History
SIAMUF was formed in autumn 1999 in conjunction with the Strategic Research Foundation’s program “Multiphase Flows”, with host-department at Chalmers. Since this program was ended 2005, the industrial association has continued to support multiphase flow research. The number of member companies has grown steadily and representation from the process industry, energy, pharmaceutical, food, pulp and paper technology, water and waste water treatment. In addition, several consultants are represented, primarily acting in the field of CFD (computational fluid mechanics) as well as software vendors of CFD tools. Since the start of SIAMUF, Chalmers has acted the host / coordinator for SIAMUF however the association is independent.
SIAMUF waives
- to support individual researchers and specific research groups at any university
- to take any party on specific techniques or model approach, rather promoting and neutral and open approach.
- to take any party on issues related to member companies’ activities or area of interest – from a business development prespective
Membership benefitials
- Notice of the SIAMUF organized conferences, seminars, courses and workshops. Subsidized participation in these meetings. As is, two participants per member companies free of charge. As a member, you may influence the direction of SIAMUF’s activity. These meeting give an excellent opportunity to keep up-dated within the field, to meet colleagues from other companies also involved in multiphase flow area.
- Stand for election to the Board of SIAMUF
- Provide an overview of current research area and list of published theses and publications
- Get information on current courses in the area
- Support for participation in organized postgraduate courses in multiphase flow field
- Sponsoring of researcher visits to member companies
- Opportunity to influence the strategical goals of multiphase flow program by lobbing collectively via member companies towards funders and government
- Opportunity to exchange and develop request for Master thesis work project, consultancy and research